Happy September, friends! ...More importantly, Happy FRIDAY!
(Personally, I had several "false positives" this week-- you know, when you wake up thinking it's *Friday* and it's actually ... um, Wednesday? ...yup, this weekend has been a loong time coming...)
SO, when I last left you, I was really excited to write my Thursday challenge post about Inspiration...what inspires me, who inspires me, and what sets me on fire to write.
And then, last night when I sat down to actually expound on my ideas and 'abracadabra' them into words, I was feeling rather, erm, "uninspired". In fact, I had a major case of writer's block, which rather quickly turned into a very cranky Amy. Blah. Eventually, after 3 different blog posts starts, and 2 hours of staring at a blinking cursor on my computer screen; I decided I was just tired, and gave myself permission to go to bed and "try again tomorrow" :)
I have discovered that there is no way (for me at least) to force inspiration & creation. I'm sure that if I keep searching, I'll be able to find a couple magic ingredients that can jump-start my creative writing brain -- but for now, I am learning to be content with seizing the ideas as they come. It's rarely convenient, but it's a blessing all the same, and I'll work from where I am ♥
Anyhoo ... I hope you all had a wonderful yesterday! Did you do anything special to celebrate the 1st day of September? I must admit that while my heart celebrated the beginning of my favorite month with fervor, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary :) No PSL's for me, as I was
Whew. Can I tell you how grateful I am that this is a holiday weekend coming up?! I know that I don't have too much longer now before the 'Big Vacation'... but my soul is craving a day off to just be still and "catch up with life".
It's funny because as excited as I am about having a day off, I can all ready tell that I am going to have to actively remind myself to slow down. There's a lot I want to do this weekend, but more than the doing, I really want to be present & enjoy every moment. My plan is to have 1 working day (I'm thinking Saturday, after a good night's sleep & leisurely breakfast with Jon -- pumpkin pancakes, perhaps?), and then have 2 days to just 'go with the flow'.
I'm looking forward to telling you all about it, as it unfolds :)
For now, I am thrilled to present you with another installment of 'Good List Fridays'

Good List:
1. Jon ♥ Gosh, I love that man.
2. Coffeeeeeeeee. It has very much been a 2 cup-a-day week :)
3. Having the luxury of being about to take a step back and look at the big picture: how far I've come :)
4. New magazines
5. Holiday Weekends
6. Cleaning the clutter from my house & my mind
7. "California Dreaming..."
8. Morning runs with the ladies!
9. I know in a couple months I will be lamenting the short length of the days and the scarcity of daylight ... but right now I am enjoying the gentle forward creep of the sunsets. I love the sweet warmth & scent of early September nights, and I love the way the lengthening shadows beckon us to come in, come together, and relax at the end of a long day.
10."Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit, which fortunately functions independently of logic."
- Tim Noakes
And now, just for fun, another list for you! Fitness blogger Gina (over at fitnessista.com) has put together a to-do list at the beginning of each month of tasks that will make the following 30-days especially great. I love this idea, and am creating my own list for September:
"Make September Spectacular":
- Go apple picking
- Bake an apple pie from scratch ♥
- Plant vibrant-colored mums
- Burn "Fall-Scented" candles
- Sleep with the windows open (once it get a bit more temperate... we're getting in to the mid-90's today, yikes.)
- Clean out my closet - put away summer clothes to make room for cozy sweaters & scarves & boots
- Begin strength training (for real this time.) Do push-ups/ sit-ups etc. 2 days a week.
- Start walking with Jon on week days after work.
- Make Pumpkin Chili
- Host a dinner party!
Your Turn: What are your weekend plans? What is one thing you plan to do to make this September the best one yet?