Gooooood Friday to you, friends!
Although I didn't sleep very *much* last night, I slept well. Overnight the temperatures in central OH got down to a crisp 47*, and with the bedroom windows open an inch and the delicious weight of a down comforter pressing on me it was recipe for a perfect night's sleep. It was hard to get up this morning ... made harder by the fact that I had the dead-weight of a sleepy Gracie nestled into my chest ♥ But, here I am, coffee in hand, ready to take on another day. TGIF, indeed :)
While there were moments when it seemed like this week would never end, now that I am at the waning end of a 40 hour work week I can smile and pat myself on the back,"That wasn't so bad now, was it?" Still, as good as the week was, I am (as always) looking forward to the weekend so much more. This weekend's plans include lots of reading, mopping my kitchen floor, baking an apple pie, and 12 miles with the MiT group.
I hope your plans are equally comforting, renewing & exciting :)
Let's kick off the weekend goodness with a Good Friday, shall we?

Good List:
1. Jon. I cannot believe that we've been married almost 2 years. It feels like just yesterday that I was planning my wedding-- the dress, the details... And yet, at the same time I am hard-pressed to remember my life before Jon. This marriage stuff is crazy & mysterious, maddening & wonderful ... ♥
2. Pumpkin Spice Friday!
3. Tomato sandwiches (I think the season is winding down for these babies... farewell my loves!)
4. Connecting with family, even across the miles ♥

5. MacIntosh apples
6. Invigorating breezes through open windows
7. The scent of freshly baked cookies :)
8. "Cleaning out the clutter"... tangible & spiritual.
9. Heart moving, thought provoking posts. (Check out this one, by my sweet friend, Hannah. What mark will we leave on our world?)
10. As an engineer, this quote hits home for me: "Running and science draw on similar traits—stamina, ambition, patience, and the ability to overcome limits." --Wolfgang Ketterle, Nobel Laureate and MIT Professor
Your Turn:What tops your good list this week? Do you have any good (fall-y?) weekend plans?
Wishing you all a wonderful Friday afternoon :)