Hi friends, and Happy Labor Day --I hope you have had a wonderful holiday weekend!
Well ...My weekend has been something else.
A very good something else :)
I had intended to blog straight through the weekend ... but then life interfered. Each evening, by the time I had a chance to sit still and be quiet long enough to collect my thoughts, my eyelids were drooping... and I wanted to give you the best recap I could, so I postponed-- I promised you quality over quantity in this challenge, after all ;)
It is my pleasure to fill you in on the past 3 days now, with a weekend recap post!
This weekend was a different & relaxing one right from the get-go. As I intimated on Friday, I have gotten in the habit of early morning wake-up calls on Saturdays for MiT (at times, I've been out running as early as 5 am!), and so it was a special treat for me to be able to sleep in on Saturday morning. I woke naturally (around 8), brewed a pot of coffee & whipped up a batch of pumpkin pancakes.
...And then Jon & I languished in our Saturday for the next two hours. One of my favorite things in the world is leisurely weekend brunches with my husband. I love the slow pace, and feeling like we can just relax together & enjoy each others company. ♥
After breakfast, 'I got my booty in gear' and cleaned the house from top to bottom ... and then my excitement won out, and I broke into the fall decorations. Warming my home with golds & reds and the scent of cinnamon is good for my soul. I just need some mums for the porch, and I'll be all set!
Sunday morning I ran the Emerald City half marathon.
... And it was the best "race" I have ever run.
For the first time ever I ran a race for fun... and the difference was incredible.
Instead of nerves, I was chattering all day on Friday about how excited I was. Eventually, the nerves did come, but they never crippled me. The happy excitement won over every time. I went into the run with a goal to run at marathon pace (2:45) ... and I smashed that ... coming in at 2:34. The best part? I had so much to give at the end :) ...Every other half marathon that I've run, I've been absolutely done at mile 11.5. By mile 13, it's always been a battle just to keep lifting my legs ... placing one foot in front of the other. And that never happened this time.
What's even more incredible to me is that my finish time was only about 7 minutes off of my personal best. I think my smile in this picture says it all :)

(photo credit)
I came ... I ran ... I conquered.
And then? ... I napped :)
After a glorious 3 hour nap on Sunday afternoon, Jon & headed over to his sister's house for a Labor Day Party, family style ;) Great food (pulled pork, corn on the cob and blueberry cobbler), drink (blueberry mead?! YUM.) and Lucas snuggling. It was a great night. Even a little rain couldn't spoil our fun ;)
And today? It's been a perfect ending to the long weekend.
Jon took me out for breakfast (more pancakes? Yes, please!), and then I came home & slept off my ensuing "pancake coma" with Gracie, hehe.
It's been a very fall-like day here (in the 60's and gray. LOVE.), so this afternoon I lit my Macintosh apple candle curled up under a blanket with a good book. ...And Gracie foot warmer, obviously ;) Good, good stuff ♥
...I think I may be ready to tackle another work week, after all!
Have a fantastic Monday night, bloggies!
Your Turn: How was your weekend? Do you decorate for Autumn-- and if so, when & how?