Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Challenge II, D7: {Wrangling August}

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Can you believe that we are all ready at the end of August? I (self-proclaimed "Fall-lover" that I am) am not complaining-- merely shaking my head in wonder that the past four weeks flew by quite as fast as they did-- it's a blur I tell you! ...Such is life, I suppose.

...But a glorious blur it has been ;)

I also cannot believe that I am (as of the moment I press "publish") 1/3 of the way through the 21 day challenge! It's been a delight so far, and I cannot wait to see what words will pour out in the later 2/3 of the journey.

As I am sitting down to write tonight, it occurs to me that this may be the first challenge post that I haven't had completely planned out. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't have any ideas: I've had all sorts of ideas rattling around in my brain all day ;)

And so tonight I'm bringing out an old favorite: a Wednesday Wrangling Post, which I feel lends itself quite nicely to the beautiful chaos that has been my week so far.

Let's dive on in!

(A weekly round up. Each week I am going to “wrangle” my life's happenings into a post filled with pictures, lists & general tidbits about the past 7 days.)

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Although it's been (surprisingly) busy (read: a project that we thought would take 1 day has now taken 3 ... and counting) week... it's been a really good one! Somehow, after an 18 miler & a "non-over-abundance" (did you get that?) of sleep this past weekend, I hit the ground running on Monday morning ... and I haven't stopped since. I feel like I am giving 110%, and going to bed exhausted, but completely at peace. ... And that's a great feeling.

Still, I am looking forward to the mellow respite that the a long 3-day weekend promises. While I do have some plans (i.e.: 1/2 marathon in Sunday morning, family Labor Day celebration on Sunday night; both of which I am sure you'll hear more about later!) I am actively trying to leave the rest of the weekend open. It's going to be a good one though ... that much I know is true.

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Um yeah. So not to toot my own horn (*toot, toot!*) but this peach butter tastes awesome. I cannot recommend Julie's recipe enough.

Try it, you'll love it. (Also, it will make your house smell warm & spicy & fall-y while it is cooking down... Yummmmmm.)

...and if you're like me, you'll be eating it out of the crock pot jar with a spoon....

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(photo credit)

The leaves are changing colors ...

Our morning runs are crisp & dark once again ...

Pumpkin spice lattes are back at Starbucks ...

.... I'm in heaven.

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Last but not least, I was nominated by my sweet friend Hannah (check out her blog, Culture Connoisseur!) for the 'Versatile Blogger Award'.

Thank you so much, Hannah :) I am flattered, and so happy that the blog world introduced me to you! ♥

In order to accept the award, I have to tell you 7 things about myself, and then pass on the award to other deserving bloggers!

7 things about me:

1. I am an engineer. This does not in any way equip me to deal with real life engineering problems like packing the car or loading the dishwasher ;)

2. I hate doing laundry. Loathe it, in fact. I wait until I am down to my last pair of socks before I force myself to tackle the mountain of clothes in my clothes basket.

3. I am a mac.

4. I have been to a metallica concert.

5. ...I actually love the heels of bread. They make the best toast!

6. I sleep best when there's a warm kitty at my feet ♥

7. I think technology is fantastic, but nothing beats a good old fashioned, hand written letter. I keep a box of special letters by my bed, and read them on nights when I need a little lift.

And now, I am honored to pass this award on to some other wonderful bloggers. Like Hannah, I'll pick 5:

Heidi's Big Adventure

Running My Life

Daisy Girl

Amelia Grazia

A Change of Pace

These ladies are absolutely lovely, and they inspire me! To me, each of them is a perfect example of a versatile blogger :)

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And now if you'll excuse me, I need to go snuggle Gracie, who has been patiently sleeping on my foot waiting with me while I blog. I'll be back tomorrow with a post about inspiration...

Have a fantastic Wednesday night -- Happy 'Last of August'!