And Happy Friday to you, friends!
I don't know about you, but for me it feels like this week has just flown by. It's both exhilarating and calming to be on the cusp of another weekend. Now, I don't want to get ahead of myself, but this is looking like its going to be a really great one.
In the plans:
* Peach butter!! (via Savvy Julie!)
* I have some great dinners to cook up, too -- Yay, meal planning! (Roasting my 1st cornish hen this weekend! Squee!!)
* Sonoma / San Francisco Planning (Our trip is almost upon us, and I am getting more excited by the day!)
* 18 miles tomorrow morning with MiT (which I am disgustingly excited about, hehe...)
*... and on a not-unrelated note, a blog post coming at you tomorrow that I am also crazy excited about :)
* Possible apple picking tomorrow (Gala)
* Church on Sunday morning ♥ I haven't gone to worship in a couple weeks, and returning after any length of absence always feels like coming home...
So, bring on the weekending! But before we get there, it is a good Friday, after all... and you know what that means:

Good List:
1. Jon. I'm excited to get to spend time with my best friend after a busy week!
2. Inspiration...
3. Trader Joe's salsa. Yum, yum, yum.
4. Favorite books that you read over, and over and over again. ... And that you fall a little more in love with each time.
5. My lunchtime treat today was to take myself to my favorite Uptown Westerville Coffee Shop for what is quite possibly the best fall drink out there. ... And I don't say that lightly. Pumpkin Chai ... I think you are a missing piece of my soul.
6. Laurie passed her nursing boards! Wahoo!! Laurie, RN has such a nice ring to it :)
7. "Superwoman days". You know those days when you get everything checked off your to-do list? They are a rare and precious commodity... and so worth the wait.
8. Good hair days (heh... which, for me, are also rare & precious commodities.)
9. Girlfriends
10. "Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. Unshakable faith is faith that has been shaken." ~ Unknown
Your turn: Any good weekend plans? Spill 'em... Did the past 7 days fly by for you, too? What was the highlight of your week?