And it culminated this evening when I marched home from work, put on my proverbial apron (note to self: buy apron) and got busy in the kitchen :)
About once a week, I like to treat myself and cook a really involved dinner -- the more peeling & chopping the better! This week was all ready destined to be a good week for me because I finally disciplined myself to sit down on Sunday afternoon and sketch out a meal plan for the next 7 days-- and the plan contains not one, but 3(!!) such meals (full disclosure: I am terrible at meal planning. This may be the first time when I have actually been successful with it. It's something I am working on ;)
Tonight's creation was "Mama Pea's Green & Red Lentil Enchiladas" from from her wonderful new cook book!
It's no secret that cooking is one of my love languages. It's a way I can give back to those I love, that, at the same time, brings me incredible peace.
I love the whispery swish of a sharp knife cutting through onion ; the characteristic click of the oven as it heats ; the satisfying sizzle of chopped vegetables hitting melted butter in the skillet. (Don't even get me started on the scent of caramelizing onions in butter. Mercy.) (Also, note to self: add cast iron skillet to Christmas list... along with donut pan and aforementioned apron :)
I love the vibrance of chopped fresh vegetables (I've always thought jalapenos and tomatoes were especially beautiful). And I love the warmth that emanates from the kitchen when dinner is on the way, both literally and figuratively.
I love that when Jon keeps me company in the kitchen when I cook we always circle back around to conversations about family. (It just makes sense.)
I never dreamed I would enjoy this classic aspect of being a "grown up" so much. And I am honored that somehow this has become my sacred initiative: to feed my family, body & soul.
You can have your spa-like bathrooms and romantically lit patios (and the thought of both makes my heart thump!)...
But as for me, my refuge will always be my kitchen.