I must admit that I (*sigh, eye roll*) forgot to take my Day #14 picture(s) yesterday .
.. Okay, that's not really true at all. Truth is, I thought about taking pictures several times yesterday, but my camera wasn't handy, and it wasn't really possible to 'hit the pause button' on life while I obtained either my phone or my camera. It was a good day, though, and in an effort to preserve the spirit of the challenge (although, for the record, I'm just going to continue the challenge with today being day 14 ... It's my blog, after all :) I can paint you a little word picture: yesterday involved twilight walks, thin mints, coffee, family dinner & "catch up talks' between sisters who haven't seen each other for almost a week (it's incredible how busy life is on campus ... I get tired just thinking about it, haha).
And today has been pretty good, too :) I treated myself to a Trader Joe's trip during lunch time (oh, Joe, it's been too long -- how I've missed you!) with the purpose of picking up a couple items for dinner, but, s usual, I think I spent more time just looking at all the crazy-cool merchandise they have to offer. I swear, that place inspires me and feeds my soul, as well as my tummy :)
Tonight has been blessedly low-key. Oh I love these quiet nights in -- the ones that don't really have any plans or to-do's attached to them, so we mostly just end up on the couch-- me blogging, J. reading, and the "fuzzies" snuggled in between. I suppose there really is something to being "old (er), predictable, and boring" :) I languish in the beauty of the routine.
I'm actually going to keep this short tonight, as I'm feeling pretty tired, and my brain is wrapping itself around some deeper stuff, which I am looking forward to sharing with you in the next several days. But, not to forget the important stuff, I'll leave you with....
Good List
1. J. Something that I hadn't expected when I got married was the dependence I would develop for my husband. Now, don't read this wrong, it's not at all an unhealthy dependence -- I can do perfectly well without him, I still maintain my own social life and interests, and really, I'm a fairly independent little girl. But honestly? When I'm not with him I miss him-- even when it's just a matter of not seeing him all day because we each have our separate obligations. ...And sometimes this takes me by surprise, and the power of these emotions scare me. ... But I can't help but think that in some way, this is a good thing :) I know I'm still young, and that I have a limited grasp on the concept of love, but what I have found is that (like with all of life), sometimes you need to allow yourself to be a little scared and uncomfortable to grow.
2. COFFEE. Oh boy, was this ever a coffee week. Now, I believe that I have sung the praises of my baby french press before -- but I'm doing it again because I finally got my act together and ground my own coffee beans. And really, enjoying your cup of french press is much more (erm) enjoyable when you don't have to drink 1/4" of ground at the bottom of your cup ...
3. Fabric softener. Would you believe me if I told you that I have never in my life used fabric softener before this past weekend?! I have (honest to goodness) never bought the stuff before -- but one a whim (& a whiff in the Kroger aisles) I picked up a bottle. Oh.My. Lavender scented sheets = awesomeness.
4. 5 am snuggle time with Gracie. I LOVE it. I hope she intends to make it a habit :)
5. G(oogle)-Chat
6. Organizing the little things-- and how it always seems to make the "bigger stuff" so much more manageable.
8. Candles, wine, cookies & heart-to-heart chats
9. Sunshine & cool evenings -- Fall is on its way-- Wahoo! :)
10. "A happy heart makes its own song."
What is on your Good List this week?