I must admit to you that Sundays have always been quite bittersweet for me.
On one hand, the day is filled with wonderful things: long distance days (for 1/2 marathon training -- Oy! 1 week left! :), church, Sunday papers (my favorites are the travel section & the comics-- J's favorites are the comics and the Best Buy ads, heh); Sunday dinners (mmm... pot roast.... I always think pot roast when I think of Sunday sit-down dinners. My Dad's was the best!) and, of course (lest I forget perhaps the most decadent & delightful of them all) Sunday afternoon naps ...
But some weekends, all the good can be forgotten in a moment when I remember that tomorrow is Monday, and I have to go to work ... Booo. (Honestly, it's not so bad... when I was in college and I had to travel back to Toledo on Sunday evenings, it was a lot worse...)
But this Sunday was all sweet :)
Although the way it started, I had my doubts.
... As I mentioned yesterday, the weekend I finally got myself in gear to re-paint the blue room-- and yesterday was phase 1 (sanding, sanding, sanding some more, vacuuming, vacuuming with attachment, vacuuming some more and finally washing down the walls to get rid of the fluffy blue dust that permeated the room...). I had initially thought that if I had a good start, I would be able to complete the project in 1 day ... but at about 6 pm yesterday, when I was gearing up to do my 'final vacuum', I admitted defeat :-/
Seriously, guys? Sanding kicked my butt... I was so achy this morning when I woke up, the last thing I wanted to do was tackle painting (what I imagine to be 3+ coats of painting... stripes are my nemesis...)-- much less get out of bed.
But I did, and things looked up significantly from there :)
First of all, this morning I had the chance to participate (read: attend) in an outside worship service. This year marks the Bicentennial of the founding of the township that my church is a part of, and so, in honor of the bicentennial festival, Pastor Bud donned period costume and took his church outdoors. Now, this may be very happy "hippy" of me, but something about worshiping outdoors has just always felt right to me. Like: this is how it's meant to be. It was a blessing to attend such a ceremony, and it was an inspiring way to start my week ;)
(PS: Unfortunately, I did not remember to bring along my camera, so you'll have to use your imagination-- imagine 75+ worshippers gathered under a big white tent in the early morning mist, raising their voices with the strings of a guitar. Got it? Good :)
And then, when I got home, I realized that I had a decision to make: I still wasn't feeling 100%, but I could slap up (not to say I'd do a bad job-- I just wanted to get through it quickly, as I had something to do at 2 pm, which I'll tell you about in a minute...) a coat of paint, or ... I could lie down for a while. ... Being the "Type-A-but-striving-to-live-in-the-moment" girl that I am, I crawled into bed and lay pondering my decision* ... until Gracie hopped in bed and curled up on my chest... and I promptly fell asleep :)
*And, for the record, I'd like to tell you that over the course of my Sunday I did manage to get a coat of paint on the walls (it took me 2.5 hours, in case you were curious), so I don't feel at all like I failed in my endeavors -- the only person who really cared if I finished this weekend was me... and I decided that I would rather enjoy my time and finish on Tuesday.
... 45 blissful minutes later, I woke to continue to the next sweet part of my afternoon-- a shopping trip to Fleet Feet (one of our local running stores) for their annual summer sale. Which brings me to:
Happiness is (Sunday edition):
A new pair of running shoes ! Wahoo - can't wait to break these babies in!

...and a snuggly Gracie sleeping next to them:

And tonight, having accomplished the shopping, painting & napping portions of my day, I am enjoying date night #2 with J. Sushi, a bottle of wine & "The X-files" (hehe... net.flix on demand is a glorious thing!)
Have a sweet Sunday night, friends :)