Friday, April 29, 2011

Wrangling: {Colorado, part II}

"And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything."
~William Shakespeare

It's been a long week. A good week, but a long one.

Proportionally, just as it took me a little bit longer to wake up and get going this morning (um: jet lag is no joke, guys. It's midnight and I'm still going strong. Which, you know, shouldn't be a big deal, being a Friday and all. But I'm old a *mature* adult who needs 8+ hours of sleep ...& this is quite abnormal for me.); it has taken me until now to really process things to the point where I can sit down and write about it.

But as I sit here, cradling a cup of coffee and listening to the cats chase each other happily, their paws thudding softly on the wood floor, I realize I am finally there. So I write.

I'm not sure when I first realized this, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I feel closest to God when I am outside. In fact, to take this one step deeper, I believe (also beyond a shadow of a doubt) that I may be the best version of myself when I am outside. Something inside me just settles, opens, clicks into place; breathing, "this is right." ...And there's just something about being up in the mountains, up in the quiet, raw, vastness of creation that makes His presence just that much more undeniable.

For several months now, my dreams have taken me, consistently and continually, to the west. Reds & browns; rich, strong wood and cool turquoise stone; these visual expressions of my soul made it onto the pages of my illustrated dream journal time and time again. Now I know why.

All this time my heart and soul were reaching forward, preparing for revival... renewal... redemption.

It's been a season of unrest for me; a season of frustration and pain, of seeking and coming up lost time & time again. I've spent so much time & energy wondering 'what if?' and searching for answers. I was worn out.

Then this past Wednesday I found myself in the Rocky Mountains.

I found myself profoundly moved as I experienced true beauty. And I found my heart feeling so full that even as words failed me, my soul raised it's arms to the heavens in praise, every fiber of my being reverberating "Thank you."

I found myself feeling treasured, and loved and enough ... even as I was humbled by the grandeur of the landscape surrounding me...awed by the smallness I felt in the midst of it all.

I did not find solutions to the equations that often spin through my brain, keeping me awake & aching into the wee hours of the night. I found something better.

I found peace.

I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright.

~Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wrangling: {Colorado, part I}

(A weekly round up. Each week I am going to “wrangle” my life's happenings into a post filled with pictures, lists & general tidbits about the past 7 days.)

This week I spent 3 days in Colorado.

And while, for the most part I was there on business, and you know, work is work, I did get the chance to see the Rocky Mountains.

And it was one of the most moving experiences of my life.

Sometimes, words cannot suffice. When that happens, pictures will have to do.

(...and words will come, tomorrow. Keep an eye out for Wrangling Part II :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wrangling: {Welcoming the Dawn}

(A weekly round up. Each week I am going to “wrangle” my life's happenings into a post filled with pictures, lists & general tidbits about the past 7 days.)

Hi friends, happy Friday!

(Oy. How on earth did it get to be Friday all ready?)

I feel like lately the weeks have been spinning by faster and faster, but this week has been in a league all its own. I've been busy at work, trying to get about a bazillion projects wrapped up in anticipation of my trip to Denver next week.

With the exception of yesterday, it's been a rainy week, perfect for nesting & getting the 'homey affairs' in order. We've spent our evenings in the kitchen, and snuggled under blankets on the couch. It's been chaotic, it's been frustrating and it's been emotional, with a bit of heady euphoria, joy and laughter. In short, it's been a beautiful, life filled, normal week.

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(First off, a Love Letter.)

(photo from April & TJ, the proud parents)

Baby Aurora,

On Sunday April 17 our worlds, hearts and lives were changed for good.

Welcome to the world, sweet girl.

Aunt Amy

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Have I ever told you about Thursday nights? For pretty much as long as I can remember, when I was growing up, Thursday night were the busiest nights of the week for us. When we were little, we had children's choir practice on Thursday nights; by the time I reached high school it had shifted to cross country practice followed by guitar lessons. For at least 2 semesters when I was in college, Thursdays consisted of a day in the lab, followed by tedious organizational meetings.

And at some point, I promised myself that someday I would LOVE Thursdays.

Last night, as I sat wrapped in a blanket, drinking a well deserved glass of wine and blasting AC/DC through my headphones while Jon watches Fam.ily Guy... I realized, I'm here. I love Thursday nights and their promise of relaxation before the final push. Just knowing that Friday-- and perhaps more importantly, the weekend is on the horizon -- sustains and comforts me. I look forward to Thursdays now.

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(shower photos courtesy of Kaitie)
(Coffee bar: take a mug, fill it with whatever suits your fancy. It was a hit!)

Sunday was a rush. The whole weekend was, really. I've discovered that I absolutely live for entertaining. I love the planning and cleaning & anticipation of welcoming others into my home. I think that hosting a dinner party a month for the rest of my life would be heaven to me.... (Anyone in the Columbus area want to take me up on that?)

Sunday morning I woke early and lay in bed excitedly rolling through the details in my mind. At 10:30 am, my friend and co-host Kaitie arrived, and we spent the next several hours prepping decorations and favors.
(My other favorite "finishing touch" was the pillar candles in hurricane vases, surrounded by coffee beans. Looked cute, smelled amazing.)

We wrapped silvery wrapping paper around water bottles and tied ribbon around the handles of coffee mugs, we brewed countless cups of coffee and twirled crepe paper.

Although the invitations said 2pm -4pm, once Saundra, her mother and sister arrived, the party started. I think we laughed for 3.5 straight hours. It was wonderful. Being surrounded by a group of warm, witty women who were gathered to celebrate my best friend was truly uplifting.

And after everyone left & it was just the three of us: Kaitie, Saundra & me? That was awesome. The only thing better than sharing 1 super fun sophomore year of college living together has been gathering together 5 (wow) years later and catching up; reconnecting.

Being Saundra's bridesmaid (and more importantly, her friend) has blessed me in so many ways, and I am honored to be a part of her special day. ... Looking forward to June 25!

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A couple weeks ago, when Jon & I were attending a family birthday party, I got a chance to sit and talk with my brother-in-law. (Read: I had relegated myself to the basement with the boys because the windows were open upstairs and I was hot; and I think Dan took pity on me because I was pretty much oblivious when it came to the gaming conversations. Truthfully, I wasn't phased. I'm used to being clueless about that stuff, haha. I was just enjoying my cake & ice cream and spacing out, content & comfortable with the company :) And while we were talking, he said something to me that totally caught me off guard. "I almost envy you, Amy," he said (I paraphrase.) "I mean, you run all the time ... and you like it."

I am absolutely floored that this is one of the ways others might see me & define me. Because in real life? This is something I struggle with on an everyday basis. I want to be a runner with every fiber of my being. But I struggle with the idea of calling myself a runner-- I feel that I'm falling short in so many ways. For example, I don't run every day. I never have... But some weeks? Some weeks I run once. I've pledged to myself that I am going to run a marathon in October, but I have a lot of anxiety about that. Quite frankly, I'm worried that I am going to slack too much on training and sabotage myself.

I know that I need to love myself in my imperfections, and to believe in my own abilities. I know that I need to push forward and not let the fears and the what-ifs hold me back.

...But sometimes that's easier said than done. I'm a work in progress, and this is definitely at the top of my "work on it" list. Between the rain & the fatigue, this has not been a "follow the plan running week" at all. But I am looking forward to a fresh start.

It's never too late for redemption.

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As you might have picked up on, this week has been kind of a dark & contemplative one for me. I think it's the natural "ebb" (ya know, versus "flow") that comes at the tail end of a bunch of good stuff.... where all of a sudden you realize that your world has stopped turning upside down and you are left seated in the quiet emptiness thinking, "hey. what on earth do I do now?"

...Add that to a whalloping dose of hormones, and I had Jon throwing his hands up in the air saying, "I just. don't. understand. women." (Yes, my love, I know. That won't keep me from trying to explain to you to get you to empathize :)

So, there were some tears, there was dark chocolate consumption and there commenced some 10+ spiral notebook pages worth of soul-pouring. But even in the midst of the dark days, even as I ached & yearned for more, I could not be oblivious to the good. I've found that life is never exclusively black or white. The good has a way of creeping in and coloring the bad; blurring and softening the edges-- painting lifetimes out of days and moments; the shadows beautifully contrasting the vibrant colors and light.

Even in the darkest night, I believe light will return. And when the sun begins to rise, I welcome it with open arms.

Today, I celebrate & welcome the dawn.

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Good List

1. Jon. He is my anchor.
2. 100 watt light bulbs
3. Head phones, and dancing around the kitchen during dinner prep.
4. Digging through the archives for a sure-fire pick me up: Wedding Memories

5. Spending some quality time gardening this past weekend.
6. this post
7. Spiral notebooks. I appreciate technology, but sometimes there's nothing like putting a pen to paper. Spiral notebooks & legal pads are my favorite :)
8. Double sided tape
9. Lighting candles to chase away the gloom of a rainy evening.
10. "Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again." --Sarah Ban Breathnach

Your Turn: Any good weekend plans -- or special Easter traditions? How are you welcoming the good in your week?

Monday, April 18, 2011

I believe (part III)


I believe ...

I believe in sunshine.

I believe in packing away warm woolen sweaters in favor of silky soft cottons and khakis.

I believe in soft, new, brilliant green grass, and the pleasure of feeling it between your toes.

I believe in throwing open the windows at the first opportunity.

I believe that there is nothing better than the scent of fresh air in the house after a long winter.

I believe in long, sunlit lunch-time walks.

I believe in lingering outside in the warmth of the lengthening twilight.

I believe that first night of sleeping with the windows open is absolutely magical.

I believe in the promise of new beginnings.

I believe in the clean scent of freshly mown grass.

I believe that sometimes happiness can be measured by the amount of dirt beneath your fingernails.

I believe in spring cleaning :)

I believe in sudden, drenching storms. And rainbows.

I believe in Spring.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wrangling: {Alter-Ego}

(A weekly round up. Each week I am going to “wrangle” my life's happenings into a post filled with pictures, lists & general tidbits about the past 7 days.)

Whew. Hello, bloggies! Happy Friday :) This week has been a really busy one for me work-wise (we've got a HUGE April 15 deadline), and it feels really good to be able to sit down and reflect and use my brain creatively. Now if I can just hit publish before I pass out due to sheer exhaustion.... Here goes nothing!

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Okay. *Sighs* I really wish that I could talk your ear off this week about all the progress that I made after last weeks cry for help (& extremely helpful response, both on the blog and facebook front. Ah, social media, you never fail to impress me.)... But alas, nothing yet :-/

...Well, perhaps nothing was a bit harsh. I've got a lot of dreams, but nothing physically manifested yet. My weekend plan is as follows: Tonight, weed, weed, weed (*sigh, I'm hoping to channel 'my inner Hannah' and find peace & joy in working with my garden... even if it is, for now, a garden of weeds :); Tomorrow, heading over to Lowes to pick up a bright ceramic planter & fill it with cheery flowers. I'm going to put the planter on my porch so that on Sunday my guests (big bridal shower doings this weekend, remember?) will be welcomed with a bright splash of life & color.

But to hold you over until I can get some "before pictures" (read: yard now, pre-transformation), here is a little collage of what I'd like to see in my yard when all is said and done:

{A little note from me: I want primarily vibrant colors (reds, yellows, greens) because our house is black & white. ... But couldn't resist the softed muted pastels of the sedum & lavender...}

(Click plant names for photo credits/links! from top L: tulips, daylily, hosta,

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So Wednesday night, as I'm sitting on the floor in our family room working through my thoughts for the blog post (yes, it did, in fact, take me 3 whole days to get this post up...), I'm drinking chardonnay & snuggling with Gracie (multitasker extraordinaire)... and I'm watching Idol. I'm actually not typically an 'American Idol' watcher, but Jon was downstairs playing video games, and I needed a little background noise ambiance ;)

Anyway, I happened to pause between wine drinking, Gracie petting & thinking blogly thoughts to watch a performance of Blondie's 'Call Me' by a girl named Haley. I was totally sucked in (although, as I remember, the judges were lukewarm about the performance).... I mean, this girl was vibrant. And as I watched her prance around on the stage in her sequinned dress and purple knee high boots, curls flipping, it hit me: I was looking at a physical representation of my alter ego.

Okay, let me clarify a little bit: not her exactly... but what, in that moment, she represented: courage & the strength to live out loud; unapologetically...

Can I tell you a secret?

All right, fine. It's not a secret at all. (Those of you that have met me in person will be nodding right along with this.) The truth is this: I can be painfully shy, and I'm very quiet. Jon is definitely the loud (meaning that in the nicest way, dear!) extrovert in our relationship. I'm a great listener, but I pretty much fall flat on my face when I meet strangers.

Perhaps that's why writing & I get along so well together. Writing allows me to pour my heart out and say exactly what I want to say when I want to say it; in, what is to me, a non-threatening environment. Writing allows me to be the witty, insightful, sarcastic & compassionate person that I am; the person that I'm not sure always comes through in public. Now, I don't think I'm particularly 'socially awkward' (although, let's be real: we all have our moments)... I'm just saying that in some ways, I can be a lot more authentic on paper.

Although I am learning everyday that it's okay to fall more & more in love with who I am, sometimes... inevitably... I wish I possessed some different qualities. Sometimes I wish I was that stubborn, fiery, passionate girl that just exudes self confidence. The ballsy (sorry. can't find, for the life of me, a better word than that) woman who marches up to her opposition & looks them in the eye, daring them to turn down her offer. The woman who grabs the reigns of life and wraps them around her hands-- drawing them to her; holding her head high in rapturous joy, enjoying the ride.

She is my alter ego.

... And, my alter ego would totally wear purple knee high boots :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

How to make the perfect tomato sandwich:
(1) Toast up 2 slices of bread, you favorite kind, as dark or as light as you like.
(2) While bread is toasting, slice tomato as thinly or thickly (?) as you like. If you're like me, you do a little bit of both :)
(3) Toast pops up. Rescue it from toaster and spread butter on one slice of bread so it gets nice & melty.
(4) Place tomatoes on buttered toast. Use several slices and cut around them so that you make one 'perfect' layer-- it's like a jigsaw puzzle!
(5) Generously sprinkly Krazy Salt over tomatoes. (If you're like me, this involves chasing Gracie out of the laundry room, where she darted while you were getting the salt.)
(6) Top with remaining slice of toast
(7) ENJOY!

This sandwich just tastes like summer to me. Enjoy!

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To continue with a theme from last week: The bunnies are out in full force. Here's Gracie chirping to them :)

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Though I don't have news for you in terms of yard progress, spurred on by today's delicious weather, I decided to dwell on the good. While there are things I cannot wait to change in the yard, these are a couple things I absolutley love: our tulips and this gorgeous tree by our garage.

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Now, to bring it full circle (Idol --> music.)

Monday evening I ate dinner with my parents, and then my mom left for book club. I spent the evening with my father, listening to music... catching up.

At one point near the end of the night we started talking about musical influences. My dad was primarily influenced by the rock and roll of the 60's and 70's: Hendrix, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Iron Butterfly (for the record, I totally just googled "In-A-Gadda-Davida" .... turns out it's spelled exactly how it sounds...)

He told me that he remembered one time when he was visiting my Aunt Midge and Uncle Joe (his oldest sister & husband), right around when 'In-A-Gadda-Davida' first became popular. My dad had brought his Iron Butterfly Record with him (one whole side dedicated to the 17 minute version), and he and Joe blasted it... all weekend long from the sound of it. He laughed as he remembered: Midge scolding them to turn it down-- what would the neighbors think?

I love these glimpses into who my father really is .... and oh, how I've missed sharing music like that.

"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.
Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents."
-Ludwig van Beethoven

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Good List

1. Jon. Always Jon.
2. Sunshine.
3. Coffee.
4. Pink nail polish.
5. Gracie.
6. Day-by-Day Calendars.
7. Long walks.
8. Exceeding my own expectations.
9. Giving.
10. I can finally say this: Congratulations on your engagement, Heidi!

Your Turn: How was your week? Any weekend plans?

Still coming this weekend: "Gardening" pics; a fun, fluff post; bridal shower recap :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wrangling: {Exploring Life's Ruts}

"It feels like chaos, but somehow there's peace..."

(A weekly round up. Each Wednesday (hehe, almost made it this week:) I am going to “wrangle” the past weeks’ happenings into a post filled with pictures, lists & general tidbits about the past 7 days.)

Happy Thursday, friends! It's been a busy little week over here at casa-del-Amy... let's dive right in, shall we?

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As the weather begins to take a turn for the warmer (if, in fact wetter...but I am not complaining, oh weather gods!) my mind inevitably turns to the outside and *gulp* landscaping. Jon & I recently got our tax return back (which was the one positive thing about swearing sweating over it in early March to get it turned in a.s.a.p.), and over pancakes last Saturday, we sat down to discuss how to (presumably) responsibly spend the money. Jon mentioned that he would like to use some of the money to landscape our yard: i.e. put up stone walls around the flower beds, mulch, and plant to fill the beds in more. My stipulation is that we must find some plants that will look good for extended periods of time... because we've got several plants that look gorgeous for about 1 week out of the whole year, and then spend the rest of the time looking scruffy. Bah.

Much research will ensue....

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I'd also really like to get (tax return?) a wicker loveseat for our front porch.... I've got this super romantic vision of returning from my run in the wee hours of the morning, pouring myself a cup of coffee and taking a blanket out to the front porch to do devotions.

Sounds heavenly to me :)

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This dress was not a winner. It was loose (& tight, yikes) in the wrong places. But the fabric felt awesome, and I loved the color. I did a little dance around the dressing room before I relegated it to the 'NO pile'.

A guilty pleasure of mine:
Sometimes when I need to get out of the office at lunchtime I take myself out window shopping. I hardly ever buy, unless I find something that is absolutely too fabulous to pass up. When I shop, I prefer to take my time and enjoy myself, and generally when I go out a lunchtime I am kind of rushed. Yesterday I took myself "clothing shopping" and spent the better part of an hour indulging in bright spring colors, silky knits, fabulous heels, crisp summery cottons and chunky jewelry. Hypothetically, of course :) And while I did wind up walking out with a couple items, most of the fun was in the chase.
The winners: a pair of capris to run in (so I have the chance to wash the 1 pair I own currently... I kid. ...kind of.) and the softest zip-up hoodie ever... a clearance rack find.

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Exploring & Embracing "Ruts":

As soon as I walked into the store yesterday I was drawn to a flowy, coral colored blouse. I think an errant, "Oooh." may have escaped my lips :) I wandered over and touched it, delighting in the bright buttons, soft fabric and feminine ruffles.

And then, with a sigh, I stepped back. 'I wear this color all the time.' I said to myself. 'I should really branch out.' So I went on with my shopping, with that blouse still in the back of my mind. And then, as I passed it on my way to the register, I picked it up and took it with me. 'I am ridiculous.' I thought, shaking my head with a smile.

...But am I really? (Impulse buys aside, of course.)

I love that blouse... and I am so glad I picked it up. It makes me feel good: sweet and sexy ... and you know, that color never fails to lift my mood.

...And then on my drive back to work I got to thinking: At what point do you draw the line between "falling into a (fashion/life/fill-in the blank) rut" and "developing a signature style"?
Does the fact that my closet consists primarily of shades of deep blues, bright corals & classic blacks mean that I've boxed myself in-- or rather, does it mean that I've found my niche, and I'm utilizing what I know is best for me to help me shine? Perhaps the difference between "ruts" and "signatures" starts far below the surface -- bubbling from the very depths of your soul where creativity & self confidence are conceived and nourished.

A rut is something one falls into because it is easy, but a signature style is something one comes into because it is absolutely right.

Signature style is the "I've found what I love, and I am sticking with it" mentality. I know that for me, there are thngs that I love to do (& wear) ... and so I do it again and again... and again. Because it feeds my soul. From good lists to letter writing and early morning devotions; from coral colored tops to blazers+ jeans and a pair of classic pumps with a splash of color: these are things that define me -- and more importantly, things I like to define me.

This revelation came as a little beacon of hope for me, that I am starting on a downslope (down hill? .... those sound negative, when what I really mean is, 'oh-my-sweet-goodness, it's getting easier to pedal...') in my personal journey. I say a downslope rather than the downslope on purpose-- I know it's a journey and I'll have lots more hills to scale in my life. ... But right now I'm coasting, and it feels good. I'm going to celebrate this 'downhill season' for everything it's worth.
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Ahh. And with that, I'm about written out, so I'll let a Good List round out the rest of my week:

1. Jon. I love the way he makes me laugh :)...Honestly, about 99% of the words that come out of Jon's mouth are said jokingly... the man definitely sees the light side of every situation. (Which is really good for me, but can also make me roll my eyes. A lot.) But every once in a while he catches me off guard, and I laugh until I cry. Love that.

2. Writing on Monday evening. I sat myself down with a glass (which turned into 2) of wine and just poured myself out on paper. Losing my"filter" & just writing what's on my mind, instead of first coming up with and idea & spring-boarding from there (if that makes sense..) What a rush. I wrote for 3 hours, and then was so pumped up that I couldn't sleep. ... Tell me that happens to other people :)

3. I don't think I've talked about this yet (I will in the weeks to come!), but I'm helping to host my best friend Saundra's Bridal Shower in a couple weeks. Planning has consumed a lot of my spare moments lately, and I'm loving it. ...I'm excited about decorating, hostessing, watching her soak up every moment of her special day. ... I'm pretty much excited about everything.

4. Coffee!

5. Lovely new bloggy friends :)

6. This morning I awoke feeling refreshed... for the first time in a long time. What a blessing! And on a weekday to boot!

7. Exciting work opportunities (I'm headed to Denver at the end of the month!! Woohoo!)

8. It has been far too long since I've made a batch of cookies. I'm excited to make some tonight, and that's getting me through the day :) Going to give these a try...

"Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer." ~Geoffrey B. Charlesworth

10. The (final, blessed) coming of spring brings with it the return of rabbits (or, "bunny raggets", as Jon sometimes refers to them... I don't know why) to our back yard. I love bunnies, despite the fact that they munch our hostas down to nubbins. (Yup, I totally just said hostas... Perhaps my gardening knowledge is improving?!)I'm not the only one who enjoys our furry backyard friends: Baron & Gracie's noses have been perpetually glued to the back windows during daylight hours. Gracie chirps to the bunnies when she sees them, and her little tail wiggles about a mile a minute. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever.
picture recycled from here

Your Turn:
Have you ever undertaken any landscaping projects of your own? Do you have any tips/hints for us?
What would you say is your signature style (fashion/behavior/habit)?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Truth be told ...

picture by Laurie
  • I was never a cat person before Jon got Baron... if Jon & I were not together, I probably still wouldn't be.
  • I hate doing laundry. ...With the fiery passion of 1,000,000 burning suns.
  • On a not-unrelated note, I am terrible at ironing. Jon made the mistake of asking me to iron his shirts once. ...He's bought 'non-iron' shirts ever since.
  • I own festive socks for Christmas, Halloween, Valentines Day and St. Patrick's day. Consequently, sometimes I wear Halloween socks in the middle of March.

  • I cook (& bake) better when I've got a glass of wine in my hand :)
  • If I was rich, I think the first 'help' that I would hire would be a hairdresser. I'd love to have "just walked out of the salon hair' every day, and, after at least 10 years of attempting it myself, I know I can't do it myself :)

  • I know for a fact that I am capable of giving up coffee & surviving ... But, why?
  • I love to read at night, but typically, I am only capable of reading 3 pages before I pass out. So realistically, even when I say "I can't put this book down", it takes at least 3 weeks to finish.
  • I love the way running makes me feel once I'm done... but while I am out doing it? It's really hard. The 2.5 miles I did tonight darn near killed me.
  •'s kind of the same with yoga :)
  • We've lived in our house for over a year now, and we still haven't figured out how to use our fireplace. Inexcusable.

  • Another dream of mine is to someday own a bookstore, like 'The Shop Around the Corner' in You've Got Mail. ...of course, without the whole 'big business put my cute little bookstore out of business' bit.

  • I'm kind of in love with 50's, Betty Draper style.

  • Some people 'dream in chocolate'. ... I dream in cupcakes :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

"Saturday Scene"

Coffee in china cups (because china is for special occassions, and I believe that every day is special in its own right), lots of books, lots of dreaming, lots of writing...

New post coming your way later today or tomorrow :)

Happy Saturday!