Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm not the only one who is having a love affair with the new windows:

'Big B.' (Baron earned this nickname once we got Gracie. He is by no means a "fat cat"... but he is larger- 12 lbs of lovin'- and next to 'Baby G', he looks like The Hulk... Anyhoo...) loves watch our "backyard wildlife" (bunnies, birds, the neighbor's dog-- and, as you can see, squirrels....) through these windows. Sometimes he gets so excited that he chirps to them, and races back and forth across the back of the house to 'follow them' as they move through the yard.
I love watching his joy.
I know a lot of times my 'love posts' seem very heavily weighted toward Gracie... but make no mistake, I am completely smitten with my little man as well :)