Friday, October 2, 2009

The post you've all been waiting for :)

(All credit for these wonderful pictures goes to my dear friend, Jenny. Thanks for sharing!!)

(Alternatively titled, "Amy is taking a slight ego trip-- but SHE was really excited to write this" or more simply "The wedding post")

Ahh, bloggies-- how I have missed you! I absolutely love writing this blog (just sitting down and dreaming up all the possibilities for this post thrills me :) -- and it has been way too long since I have gotten a chance to sit down and do so. In all fairness, I have been "keeping out of trouble" the past few weeks, doing things like, oh, getting married and going on a breathtaking 10 day honeymoon to Martha's Vineyard with Mr. R. (formerly known as my wonderful fiance J, he has graduated to the ever sophistocated sounding "Mr. R." Ahh! Love it!)

All right.. so without further ado:
Wedding Day Recap

I feel like I am extremely lucky, because, unlike the scores of people I talked to that told me "you won't remember a thing.. it will all fly by"-- I feel that I remember (at least to some extent) everything. I remember waking early and lying in bed, going over everything that I had to do in my mind before I stepped out and really started my day. I remember being stressed out and feeling badly (haha, I felt a bit bridezilla-y-- but I suppose if this was my only moment, it's not so bad ... right?!) because we were going to be late to our hair appointments-- and then feeling stressed out again when we ended up getting to the church later than planned. More importantly than this though-- I remember apologizing profusely, and my mother telling me "Don't worry.. it's always like this on wedding days. Everything will be okay. Everything will get done. Relax and just go with it."

And so I did :) And it was wonderful!

I remember laughing with Jon's sisters in the "dressing room", and putting on my make-up with Laurie and Saundra. I remember how beautiful all the bridesmaids looked in the dresses-- and how happy I was with the way the bridesmaids necklaces turned out. I remember deciding that even though I had a pair of "more sensible" (read: low enough that I wouldn't tip over in them...) heels, I decided to be completely "Amy-esque" and wear a pair of killer blue stilletos instead.

I remember slipping into my dress with the help of my mother, Laurie and Saundra. I remember walking outside to see Mr. R for the first time-- and being completely overwhelmed... but once he held me in his arms, I knew we would be fine. I remember waiting in the back room as the mothers lit the unity candle, and getting choked up when Pastor Bud came in and delived one last love message to me from Mr.R.

I remember holding onto my father for dear life as we walked down the aisle together, and shaking like a leaf once we got to the front. I remember (sigh) crying my way through the vows-- which was a complete surprise. I remember dripping wax on the altar cloth when we lit the unity candle, and what a beautiful job our readers did-- how perfect the readings were in the moment.

I remember (and this is one of my favorite memories!) that in his message to us, Pastor Bud told us that God had a plan for our lives, and for us together as a couple-- that by joining our lives together in marriage we were taking a step in fulfilling this plan-- his plan for us to make a difference together. I remember Mr.R.'s and my first kiss as husband and wife (haha... and briefly wondering if it was a respectable enough kiss to do in front of our parents and grandparents...), and I remember holding Mr.R's hand a beaming out at the congregation as we were pronounced husband and wife.

I remember seeing my parents and new in-laws for the first time after the ceremony-- and the joy there. I also remember Uncle Gary handing me a box of kleenex and everyone laughing-- but I really needed it :)

I remember walking out to the car in a shower of bubbles, and driving around the block several times (while TJ leaned on the horn in the truck behind us!), relaxing and breathing and saying "Wow" repeatedly-- we had done it!!! I remember taking pictures with the bridal party outside in the beautiful sunshine. I remember arriving at the reception hall and the applause as Mr.R. and I walk in. I remember being so flattered and thankful when the groomsmen brought us plates of food (which we really didn't get too much of a chance to eat-- I got 3 meatballs. 3 really good meatballs... but still....) I remember tearing up at the maid of honor and best man's speeches-- because they were so beautiful and heartfelt.

I remember how hard it was to get the piece of cake out once we cut it-- but how delighted I was with how it tasted :)

And finally, I remember hiw much fun I had kicking back and laughing with the bridal party once everyone else had left (we may or may not havefinished up a bottle of champagne, too...)

In short, I was wonderful. It was emotional and exhausting, poignant and heartfelt, warm and laid back. It was just very "US". It was perfect. And I don't say that lightly. Above all, we are so thankful. The day couldn't have been what it was if it were not for our amazing family and supportive friends. We are so, so blessed.


It is also a blessing to relive the wonderful memories :) But, that's it for tonight, because I am exhausted! I hope you enjoyed the wedding recap (and the pictures!!) I promise a honeymoon recap really soon, as well as some more pictures, as I get them.

Good night, Bloggies! Much love to you all, and I hope you have had a wonderful week!