Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2 part Tuesday: "Just for Fun..."

Just for fun-- I declare Tuesday "LIST DAY". Every Tuesday (with today being the inaugural day, of course!!) I will provide you with several (probably in the neighborhood of 2 or 3) lists for your enjoyment.

Today's lists include something serious, something sweet, and something absolutely necessary.


I: Amy's October List of Goals

  • Become a more creative cook. Create healthy, delicious dinners for J and me at least 4 nights a week.
  • Make advantage of my WCC (fitness center) membership!
  • Work out 4 days during the work week, and do a long run on Sunday.
  • Figure out (and delight in!) my new schedule with J.
  • Get into the habit of doing devotions (good list + "Simple Abundance" + bible study) each day.
  • Once I complete my2nd half marathon (!!), focus on speed. From what I've heard, I am getting closer and closer to the fastest years of my life :)
  • Rock my 2nd half marathon. Although I am definitely not counting on PRing, my goal is to have a fabulous time, and cross the finish line smiling.
  • Spend quality time with my little family each day (J, Baron, Gracie)-- tell then I love them frequently.
  • Catch up with my photo albums... I have pics from last Christmas that still need to be developed.
  • Find a great new way to get involved at HRC.

II: Good List: Tuesday, October 13
  1. J. My amazing husband.
  2. A really productive Tuesday.
  3. Gracie. our inquisitive kitten, who steals my heart with her antics (she has been sitting on my keyboard all night... it's taken 20 minutes to write this sentence!)-- and loves to sleep in my lap.
  4. New beginnings
  5. Fall
  6. Pumpkin ice cream with chocolate chips (harvest bread-y goodness in a bowl!!)
  7. LOST. J and I are watching through the seasons via Netflix on Demand-- it's a new guilty pleasure, and I'm totally hooked!
  8. Hallmark has it's keepsake ornaments out on display all ready! It makes me happy:)
  9. Fun sized candy bars :)
  10. Being patient as I watch God's plan for my life unfold.
III: "Gorgeous, Drool-Worthy Men I Can't Get Enough of Lately" (I told you this was absolutely necessary.... You may thank me later :)

  1. Jacob Black
  2. Bradley Cooper
  3. David Boreanaz
  4. Jack Shepard
  5. Christian Bale (I know this one may be controversial... but the man is gorgeous!!)
  6. George Clooney
  7. David Beckham
  8. Matthew McConaughey
  9. Eddie Cahill
  10. James Lafferty
Whew.. that's all for tonight... I'm a tired girl! Good night, bloggies! Sleep tight!