(Is anyone as excited about this as I am? ... You should be...)
Anyway... I really owe y'all a marathon post (lots going on over here lately!) and I promise to give it to you... but first things first:
My Fitness List (things I want to do in my lifetime!)
- Run a sub-2 hour half marathon
- Run a marathon
- Give birth (I agree with all you ladies out there... this definitely counts as a fitness goal!!)
- Walk in several races with my parents each year
- Run the Country Music Half marathon
- Run the Rock and Roll Half (or Full!) marathon
- Run a sub-24 minute 5k
- Run the PEI marathon
- Be a pacer during a half-marathon
- Teach a fitness class (kickboxing? yoga?)
Good List
- J. I am having a really good time being married to my best friend! 1 m + 1d and counting :)
- We have a really great vet (Dr.Burke at Creature Comforts Animal Clinic)-- who adores Gracie, and is very compassionate and helpful.
- Coffeeee.....
- This past Saturday/Sunday was amazing. I got to spend a whole 24 hours with the best friend, Saundra. We picked apples and pumpkins, carbo-loaded and shopped, watched chick-flicks-- AND ran a half-marathon together! (... which brings me to...)
- Holy goodness, I'm glad that race is over. Amy not training nearly enough = brutal 13.1 miles. I am really proud of myself for sticking it out though... and I don't regret registering at all :) ... I consider 2:56:55 (13:31 splits... walking all but about 2.5 miles....) something to be proud of!
- My graphing calculator. (Yes, I am a nerd... leave me alone.)
- "Mama-Gracie snuggle time"--oh, how I treasure these moments!!
- Sweater dresses. Oh so comfy :)
- Edy's Pumpkin Ice Cream
- And, of course, this:

The Baron and Princess Gracie-- photo courtesy of J.
Okay: On to other "blog-worthy" things ... As I mentioned above, this past Sunday I got the chance to participate in the Columbus Half-Marathon. Also as I mentioned above, it was definitely more challenging than the first half marathon I ran. ...Still, when I look back at the goal I had when I went in (heh.. I believe I said, quite eloquently: "Rock my next half-marathon")-- I think I accomplished my goals. Although it was definitely one of the most physically challenging (and mentally challenging-- which I think surprised me the most....) this race will always hold a special place in my heart. I smiled for at least the first 6.51 miles-- and I let the amazing people I was running in the midst of inspire me. I daydreamed about houses (ooohhh Bexley!!), read all sorts of great shirts (and started some great conversations because of them!) and thanked all the volunteers I could. Miles 8-11 were a real struggle for me, but I pressed on-- and I am really proud of myself for fighting it out. To be honest, sometimes I worry that I'm not stubborn enough to be a runner (the runners reading this will know exactly what I mean, I am sure!)-- sometimes I think maybe I'm not mentally tough enough to fight when I'm hurting-- to press forward through the plateaus and truly move forward. This race showed me that this is not the case. I am a passionate, strong and driven woman-- and truly-- there is nothing stopping me except for me. This race was extremely affirming to me in that respect.
It was wonderful to have this inspiring race to ruminate on... because otherwise, things have been kind of nutty. I have had a crash course in "Mommy-hood", as dear little Gracie is sick (feline cold... but she is having a rough time of it... poor baby...) I have been staying awake at night to listen to her breathing, wiping her nose, medicating and feeding her (wow--workout!! Even with J's help, it is exhausting!), as well as holding her constantly, because she doesn't feel well and wants to snuggle. I am totally exhausted (work is crazy this week, too.... we're not even going there.)-- but nothing a good 8 hours of sleep can't fix :)
Another "teaser" for the night is that I am seriously thinking about doing a "Rock the Frock" photo session (*cough* you may know this concept as "Trash the Dress"-- but if I called it that my mother would kill me... I'm not thinking of doing anything really destructive, anyway... more country/naturey feel.... Stay tuned-- I will keep you posted!)
Anyway... I think I may sign off for now-- time to snuggle with my little girl. Have a lovely Tuesday night, bloggies!
List day is fun :)