(A weekly round up. Each Wednesday I am going to “wrangle” the past weeks’ happenings into a post filled with pictures, lists & general tidbits about the past 7 days.)
Whew. I cannot believe that it’s Wednesday all ready. We’re getting to the part of the year where things are starting to pick up a little bit, with increased church activities, family birthdays, and just general “holy goodness it’s so delicious outside I want to spend every spare minute out there ...”
..Er... I may have to rethink that last part. For the past couple days it has been doing a whole lot of 40 degree temps & raining. Yick. But the weekend and Monday were absolutely lovely. It’s that enchanting in-between time that only comes once a year, right before the 'spring forward' time change, when the sun starts to rise early again after a long dark winter. I’ve got to say, doing my devotions as the first rays of sun gently usher in the morning adds new sparkle to the tradition.
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This weekend was an especially nice one, filled with leisurely french toast brunches, serious life altering & encouraging discussions, and heart moving worship. Saturday morning Jon & I lingered together over cups of coffee, discussing our future... our 10 year plan (& actually 50 year plan!) for our family. Our main focus was budgeting (taking cue from this lovely lady & her husband), but we talked about other important things too, including babies (not yet, but we're both really excited for the ‘someday’ :) and Vegas (Fall, 2011. … no details yet... just a basic idea in the works... but I’ll fill you in later as plans unfold!)
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On dreams:
I’ve got a dream to share with you. I’ve been sitting on it for a little while, but … ‘year of honesty’, people... And this is super honest, a glimpse straight into my heart. I wrote this a couple months ago, when I discovered the Lululemon Goaltender tool. (Quick side note: I do not, in fact, own anything ‘lulu’.... but I experience serious clothes lust for it. They just put a store in at Easton mall... so chances of me owning some killer crop pants someday have gone up exponentially :) Anyway, this tool allowed me to focus in on and put on paper some of my deepest, sweetest dreams. You would think that as a writer, this stuff would have been poured out in volumes all ready... but my deepest dreams, the ones I long for the most, have remained quiet, barely dared to be spoken. But this is a year for taking chances, I believe that is some magic in voicing these dreams ...that this is the first step toward me seeing those dreams come to fruition.
So here you go. My prompt was, “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”
Honestly, as soon as I c&p’d this into the blog, my mind immediately jumped to writing a ‘Disclaimer ‘paragraph to follow. But you know what? These are my dreams. They reserve the right to go uncensored, undiluted and unabridged.
And with that, I’m kind of written out for the night. But I’ll leave you with a good list, for good measure ;)
Good List
So here you go. My prompt was, “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”
"10 years from now I will have two little boys with blond curly heads. I love my job. It's a perfect fit for me, allowing me to be creative & providing a comfortable salary for our family. My days at home are beautiful chaos: soaking up every spare second with my boys, and writing as I can, sometimes well into the night. I have finally fallen in love with running, and I wake every morning at 4:45 to hit the streets. I just run for me. I return home every morning while the house is still quiet make myself a cup of coffee and sit down with my spiral notebook and devotions. I treasure those quiet moments every morning. Jon and I are into our 12th year of marriage, and, true to the cliche, every day I love him more. I love the time we get to spend together every evening after our boys are in bed. I love snuggling in bed with him on Saturday morning, as wait in quiet anticipation for the boys to wake. I love the way he kisses me goodbye every morning. I love watching him love my sons and teach them about life."
Honestly, as soon as I c&p’d this into the blog, my mind immediately jumped to writing a ‘Disclaimer ‘paragraph to follow. But you know what? These are my dreams. They reserve the right to go uncensored, undiluted and unabridged.
And with that, I’m kind of written out for the night. But I’ll leave you with a good list, for good measure ;)
Good List
1. Jon, my wonderful husband. I am so excited for our life together. Enjoying it as it unfolds, one chapter at a time.
2. My sister April & her sweet baby girl (ETA: 4/2011) are healthy. Thank you, God :)
3. Breathtaking, word-painting posts from one of my favorite bloggers
4. Red wine
5. From my i*Google homepage today: “We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.” -- Frank Tibolt
… Amen.
6. ‘Chasing down the dream....’ How sweet it is!
7. I would be a terrible friend if I didn’t send you here, to a recipe for some of the best (easy, yummy & healthy to boot!) cookies I’ve ever made....
8. Laughing until tears roll down my cheeks
9. Spiral notebooks
10. The soft, clean scent of spring rain
Your Turn:
How is your week going so far, friends?
Do you have a 10 year dream?