(A weekly round up. Each Wednesday I am going to “wrangle” the past weeks’ happenings into a post filled with pictures, lists & general tidbits about the past 7 days.)
As I get older and the more life I experience, the more I am humbled by this great mystery of time. How is it possible that
Every morning this week, I have awakened amazed; incredulous that somehow yesterday is over, and a new day has begun. I think that the very first moments of each day may be the best, because the space between dreaming & waking does not allow any room for doubt or expectations. In these moments there is simply life, and as I breathe in my first cognizant breaths of the day, I am thankful.
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Perhaps our biggest accomplishment of the weekend: hanging the pot rack.
Woah-- can I just tell you how glad I am that I no longer have to rummage through my pantry past my rice & beans to get the the frying pan?!
No cats were harmed in this installation, either (a valid concern, as, if you look in the 2nd picture, you will see that the pot rack is hanging directly over the cat food station. Thank you, Lord, for stud-finders :)
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But today? Today it hailed ... And instead of being enraptured by the majesty of nature, I worried about Jon's new(ish) car. Phooey. Even still, it was a pretty awesome storm.
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Without getting into any specifics: someone I love had something wonderful happen to her earlier this week, and I received a personal phone call to let me in on the good news. That was definitely a highlight :)
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What I've been meditating on today: (Thank you, Pastor Bud!)
"...Take your everyday, ordinary life -- your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking around life -- and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God." Romans 12:1 (The Message)
Amen. Let my Life Song sing to you.
...And now if you'll excuse me, I have a loudly purring Gracie who is begging for my attention... she's been rubbing her face on my computer screen for the last 10 minutes, and has now resorted to gnawing on my power cord :)
How's your week going?