Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Goodness. I may have reached a new record with my consecutive days of "non-postage". Can you forgive me? ....Are you still there? ... Anyone?!

To be fair to myself, it has been a crazy-busy whirlwind few weeks over here in Amy-ville. (You know, I became a homeowner, moved my whole life, moved the cats and had the good sense to do all this during what was perhaps the busiest 2 weeks of the year, work-wise. Yeah, I really should have given the dates a little more thought... but it worked, and I'm still standing :)

And of course, dear bloggies: to be fair to you, I am giving you lots of pictures in this post! Yes, I am not above shameless bribery to get you all to come back to me after my 19 day (gah!) hiatus. ...You're most welcome:)

So, obviously I've missed you, and I could babble on ad nauseam... but, since I am trying to win you back and all, let's get right to the good stuff. (Note: Sigh. To add to my growing list of apologies, most of these pictures were taken with the iPhone. And I am no iPhone photographer because I can't hold still long enough. I seem to have *cough* misplaced my camera during the move, and I haven't unearthed it yet, booo.)

Without further ado: here's our new home!

Front of the house, lovingly mulched by yours truly this past weekend. (Sweet.Goodness. I hate mulching...)

One of my favorite rooms: The Kitchen! I love how open it is, and being able to look out the windows when I'm standing at the sink. (Baron loves these windows, too. He like to perch there and spy on our neighbor's dog :) This is actually a picture from the realtor.... I tried to take a pic earlier, and it was way, way too dark. Sigh. MUST find camera.

Our back yard. I am looking forward to hosting many gatherings and cook-outs here in the years to come :)

And finally, the master bedroom. (Yes, I 'made the bed' especially for you. ... Not that we don't make the bed on a every day -we do - but it isn't this tidy during the week... it's more of a 'pull the covers up and go' type of "bed-make". It does look like this on weekends, though ...) Again, sorry the quality isn't 100%...

And, to continue to butter you up -- I'll continue on to some more GOOD Stuff:

Good List:

1. J. Our marriage survived the move (heh. not that I was really worried... but I did get a bit crabby and unreasonable after multiple nights of very little sleep :)-- and now we are having a fabulous time nesting. Building our little home (& our lives) together. I love this man.

2. Allergy meds. Ah, Ohio. How I love hate love thee ...

3. Heroes, via Netflix. Season 1 has been fabulous!

4. Lunchtime walks (look for a "Walk with me" post later this week!)

5. Post-it notes.

7. Nesting. Love, LoVe, LOVE.

8. Libraries.

9. Sliding between cool, clean sheets at the end of a long but productive day. Is there any better feeling than that?

10. I find that, no matter what is slated to occur later in my day-- no matter how stressful or busy it is to be -- I cannot be anything but positive and happy on my morning drive. Something about driving through the early morning sunshine in the waking world renews me, and lifts my heart. In those moments I am hopeful and at peace, and the world abounds in the promise of a new day.

More later, and much love to you all .... Happy Tuesday!