Thursday, August 13, 2009

Is it too much to ask...

... for just 2 more hours in my day?? I feel like that is going to be my mantra for the next 37 (eep! you must be kidding!) days.

In all seriousness, I am perfectly willing to admit that I could give up 2 hours of sleep in order to get stuff done... but I much prefer dreaming up ways to multi-task and get the bazillion things on my checklist crossed off in a "normal, Amy-length day" (which, in case you were wondering, is typically about 16 hours...)

While today's to-do list is way too long-winded to share with you in detail, a few things I am (actually) looking forward to are:

  • 8 miles in Dublin after work (nervous about this, too... think good thoughts for me at 5:30 pm EST!!)

  • addressing, stuffing, and stamping invitations to send out tomorrow (woohoo!!)

  • Drink coffee (actually, this is a horrible idea. Considering how hyped up I feel all ready, coffee may spell disaster today for this little girl... But- I will "take one for the team" and faithfully drink my 1 cup/day. And then work to discipline myself to be productive and get LOTS done.. instead of sitting around feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Ah, coffee....)

So, not all bad- mostly good! I have not mentioned this before, but this weekend is my "Girly Bridal Shower" (which mean I got to invite 10 of my closest friend to my house to eat cake, talk, open presents, and play the 'totally girly and silly but very much fun' bridal shower games, like "Paper Bride".) I'm so excited!!! Although there is a lot of stuff that I DON'T look forward to (haha, although I try to avoid "dreading things" at all costs....) I find that and easy way for me to stay positive is to view all the "yucky, necessary things" as stepping stones to all the good stuff-- kind of like my own personal reward system :) For example: this morning I am pushing through work because I am looking forward to doing weddingy things at lunchtime- and tonight I will be looking forward to a slice of pizza ("a slice" is totally a figure of speech-- I'm sure I will eat several!) as a reward for completing my 8 miles!

Oy. However, speaking of "motivation"-- I need some serious motivation to get back to work ("If I finish working, I'll be able to go on my run" ??? I'm not sure that will work, but it needs to!)

I do apologize for the shortness and choppiness of today's post :) Next time you can look forward to a book review, though!

Bloggie love to you all!