Monday, February 21, 2011


Because it's a Monday morning and I need to focus in on what is good and true....

Because it was a whirlwind weekend...

Because I'm tired but inspired....

Because I find peace and clarity in writing ....

Because there is way too much good in my life not to ...

Today is a perfect day for a...

Good List:
  1. Jon. And date nights. We went out for dinner together on Saturday evening, and, due to a 50 minute wait time (eek.) we had a lot of time to talk. I love being reminded of how much I love to talk to my husband. ... And how much I enjoy his company.
  2. Coffeeeeeee...
  3. Fluffy new pillows and soft warm sheets. Honest-to-goodness, I think our bed has never felt more comfortable than it did last night. ... Getting out of it this morning was really rough.
  4. Last week's delightful and unexpected "taste of spring": sunshine & 50 degree days. It was glorious & I soaked up every ray of sun that I possibly could. This gives me the hope I needed to make it another month or so until the official arrival of Spring.
  5. Reminding myself "this too, shall pass".
  6. Snuggling in bed with Gracie & a good book on a snowy, gray Sunday afternoon. The perfect way to wrap up a weekend, if you ask me.
  7. Friendships. The comfort of the old, and the giddy rush of the new.
  8. Discovering a wonderfully warm & intimate coffee shop close to home. It's cozy atmosphere screams inspiration to me. I am all ready dreaming of when I can go back next :)
  9. Silky purple ballpoint pens (!! The older I get, the more I love the color purple. ... Which is a little surprising to me, but I'll go with it :)
  10. New challenges for myself. I am striving to de-clutter all aspects of my life, because clean, organized quiet brings me so much peace. I'm working to minimize the outside "noise" so that I can light my creativity on fire.

Your Turn: What tops your Good List on this Monday morning?