It's been good but crazy over here (read: this week has been wearing me into the ground... thank goodness we're coming up on a 3-day Labor Day weekend!!)... so tonight's post is going to be a quick one... but I'll be back tomorrow with some more for you-- including pictures (I will tell you this... I miss the 21 day challenge... I am definitely going to look for excuses to take pictures every day & post them... I miss blogging every day, too... I'm back on schedule as of tonight :)
But, even a quick post can be meaningful if it includes good stuff :
Good List:
1. J. Every once in a while I am reminded that my husband may be my biggest fan... and, to me, that is everything. It meant so much to me to have him at the finish line of Sunday's race-- cheering me on, and catching up with me at the end. It lightened my step to know that he'd be there ...
2. Happy September! Bring it on, fall... bring it on :)
3. J & I went on a double date last night, with some really good friends, who we haven't seen in way too long. We laughed and told stories for hours!
4. Pumpkin Spice.... Oh. Yes. Please. I've all ready gotten out the "sweet cinnamon pumpkin" candles-- and I'm looking forward to a pumpkin spice latte tomorrow morning :)
5. I FINISHED PAINTING!!! (Ahhhhh! ...and the angels sang :)
6. Snuggly kitties (named Gracie) , who prance around on your chest in the middle of the night before finally curling up on your shoulder.
7. It's football season again! GO BUCKS! (I have more thoughts on this -- I'll share with you tomorrow :)
8. It's also race season... I have something going every single weekend this month... and I'm so excited (again... will fill you in later...)
9. Family. Celebrating joyous blessings together, praying & dreaming together, and realizing how lucky we truly are to have each other.
10. "Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower." - Albert Camus
Have a fantastic Thursday night, friends :)