Gah. The small fuzzy masterminds behind my early morning wake-up call are currently snuggled up in the recliner, bellies full & eyelids drooping -- but I'm awake for the long haul*, and snuggling in on the couch to enjoy some precious Saturday morning solitude.
* I cannot guarantee exactly how long "the long haul" is. Taking an afternoon nap is an imminent probability possibility.
...But even in my rather sleep deprived state, I am blanketed by an overwhelming sense of happiness. It's been a good little week, after all :)
Actually, Tuesday through Thursday were pretty down days for me (which I will attribute to extreme fatigue and the post race 'let down" -- you know, the " well what do I do NOW?!" feeling....), but Friday was oh, so sweet.
After all, yesterday morning had a pretty perfect start-- I made it out the door 10 minutes early, and was able to stop at S-bux for my 1st pumpkin spice latte of the season. Oh delight! Sweet warmth & spice! Be still my heart! (I told J later that, thanks to the latte, I was riding an autumnal high for the rest of my day :)
Of course, work was work, but then last night J & I went out!! A good friend is back in Ohio (from Japan!) for the next week or so, and she gathered up "the whole group"-- friends who used to religiously meet every Friday evening after work, and who would often talk and laugh until almost midnight. (The split began when S. had to move back to Japan ... and then J & I moved across town...)
And friends? ...Last night did not disappoint :) I laughed so much that my voice got croaky, we caught up after months apart, and we took pictures (uh. clarification: pictures were taken, but not by me... I left my camera at home, and didn't realize it until we were all ready on the freeway.... sigh).
Generally, we just Really Lived last night-- taking the night and it's possibility and really gleaning everything we could from those few precious hours.
It was a fantastically fun get together, that may or may not have included a late night stop for burgers & fries on the way home ;) (Hehe.. consequently, today I am in detox mode....)
...And now here I am, Saturday morning, perhaps robbed of a few hours of sleep, but oh so abundantly full of happiness :) Furthermore, every single thing I have to do this weekend, I am looking forward to. ..Which is a good thing, as the Amy-Do list is about a mile long :) Hehe. See for yourself:
Amy-Do List (Labor Day Weekend Edition):
- Grocery shopping
- Buy immersion blender
- Make some peach butter, a la Savvy Julie! (oh my... I've been looking forward to this all week! )
- "Deep Clean" the house. (this includes a thorough mopping & vaccuuming... Yes, I am even looking forward to this :)
- Maybe another pumpkin spice latte?!
- Date with J (this week it will include catching a movie together -- Inception?!-- and then hitting up a new (to C-bus) fro-yo place, Menchies! ...Yes, I've been looking forward to this pretty much all week, too :)
- My "favoritest" apples are available for U-Pick this week! Mmmm... MacIntosh...
- Emerald City 1/4 marathon (6.55 mi) on Sunday!! Woohoo! I'm thinking that the impending race day, coupled with the delicious weather, necessitates a nice long walk with J this afternoon .... as soon as I get this canning stuff under control.
- ....And also, with this lovely fall-like weather, I am totally craving a pot of chili.... I'm not sure if they sell canned pumpkin yet, as it can be a seasonal item (my favorite chili is pumpkin chili, thanks to Bobbi :) ... but I'll make it work!
- J & I are thinking about buying a grill this weekend! (hm... which reminds me.... I need to take a couple steaks out of the freezer, in anticipation of "breaking it in"...)
- Family Labor Day Celebration on Sunday
- Laurie will be home tonight -- and I know she's got a couple things in mind to do together!
- And I've got a really fun (fluff) book to read.
Good stuff, I tell you :) ... And now I guess I'd better get to it (perhaps after a cup of coffee :)
Question of the day: Are you a morning person, or a night owl? Do you have any fun (holiday) weekend plans?