Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy "Day Before"! (alt: Another Wordy Wednesday)

Is it just me, or is there anyone else out there that things "Days Before" (ie: Day before Christmas, Day before New Years, Day before Your Birthday...) are wonderful in their own right? I mean, don't get me wrong-- I LOVE celebrating on the actual day, but anticipation can be pretty wonderful, too :)

I digress...

And now, friends, I would like to present you with the weekly "Good List":

Good List: Thanksgiving Edition

  1. J. While I would never proclaim that things are perfect-- things are really, really good. I truly love being married. (Perfection is overrated, anyway...)

  2. I am blessed with a stylist who makes me feel like a million bucks everytime I get a haircut (for, I'd like to point out, significantly less than $1,000,000 ...)

  3. Kitties. I am so in love with my fur-babies, who provide hours upon hours of amusement, and offer me unfailing love.

  4. When tasks that you have been dreading for the past week end up being completely painless, and taking less than an hour, start-to-finish.

  5. Wedding pictures. I know I have gushed about how much I love mine (I love how looking at them brings back so much of the day for me!) but I really (still) love looking at pictures of really beautiful weddings (that aren't mine) -- and being inspired.

  6. Snuggling under our down comforter :)

  7. RACE SWAG. (Woah. If you are in the Central, OH area, the Flying Feather 4 Miler is a must. Why? 1 word for you: Wine.)

  8. Vitamin C. (...and no, I am not talking about the artist...)

  9. Dreams. And (maybe even more so!) turning them into attainable goals.

  10. Did you know that every year the president pardons a turkey? Corny, perhaps, but it still warms my heart <3
Yike... must get back to work... but, since I probably won't get back here until after-the-fact, have a really wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone :)