Good morning, friends!
I hope that you all had a wonderful night's sleep and are ready to take on the day (or at least another cup of coffee, like me!) Likewise, I hope that you had a wonderful October :) For my part, I can confidently say "I DID!" October brought with it some huge milestones (including the completion of my first marathon on October 16), as well as, at the end of the month, some much needed time to relax and reflect.
I've missed this little blog, but I am excited to be back :) I am excited to share my final CA recap with you, as well as an epic marathon post. I am excited to tell you about my plans for the holiday season that make my heart sing. I am excited to share pictures and dreams and real-time weekly updates. ...I'm excited.
And I'll be back soon to start the sharing :)
Have a fantastic Tuesday!
Your Turn: What have you been up to in the past couple weeks? Can you believe that it's all ready November? Have "holiday plans" started to come together at your house, too?
PS: In the meantime... just because I haven't posted here lately doesn't mean I stopped writing all together! I had the honor to guest post for my lovely friend Hannah last Wednesday! You can read my post here, if you like!