First and foremost, a heartfelt thank you to all the incredible men and women who have served and continue to serve our country and protect our freedoms, our rights and our lives. My words will never be enough, but I am forever grateful.
Good morning & Happy Friday, friends! I hope you have all been having a wonderful week :)
This week has positively flown by for me, and I am looking forward to a busy weekend (really! looking forward to it!): filled with shopping with Laurie & my mom, yard work (must admit, that one I'm not looking forward to as much ;), and hopefully sneaking in a Sunday afternoon run (side note: I've been trying to get in a "Gahanna Run" since before
We are entering the time of year where it seems like time defies all convention and picks up speed. ...There is always something to do and someone to see....And somehow, even when we cannot get it all done, it's "all good". ... The holiday season is beautiful and magical like that ♥ ...I actually have some more "Holiday thoughts" to share with you in the coming days...so be on the look-out.
...And I'm chugging along happily through the 'time warp'. Last weekend I hit up a holiday bazaar to get a jump-start on my Christmas shopping, and a good friend and I are discussing a post-Thanksgiving "Thanksgiving Dinner Party" that I am really looking forward to (hello, dinner parties are my love language!) ... I am hoping (and will be working to set things in motion!) to open my house to friends and family multiple times during this season of love. ... Shorter days and cooler temperatures mean cozy fires, warm homecooked meals, snuggly blankets & gathering in.
"It's all good."
And fittingly, now it's time for a "Good Friday post", to reign in all the other miscellaneous goodness that has impacted my life over the past weeks.
Good List:
(Sneak Peek from my marathon re-cap, coming soon!)
1. Jon. Great husband... great friend :)
2. Answered prayers ♥
3. Wisdom from valued friends & mentors
4. New boots (Yeahhh, baby!)
5. I don't want to brag, but our weather here has been stunning lately. Crisp & breezy, with breathtaking red-orange trees agains dark skies. This is what I live for each year. ... Makes the accompanying yard work totally worth it ;)
Ignoring the traffic, isn't this a gorgeous fall sky? ..Love this.
6. I've got to be honest: as much as I love the fall-like weather that's come in the past week, I am *really* struggling with the time change. It's nice to go to work in the light, but it's awfully hard to come home and stay motivated when it's dark. Still, I am embracing the ebb & flow of the seasons, and giving myself grace as I adjust to the change. A good thing about the time change? Gorgeous night runs.
Do you see the tail wrapped around him & the paw over the eyes?! I die...
7. The kitties. They never fail to make my life more exciting. ... Also, Baron voluntarily sat in my lap last week. Miracles occur every day, folks.
8. California wine.
9. I'm going to be a tease and not reveal anything yet ... but I am *really* excited for next year. It's going to be a really great one for our family.
(Okay, okay... I won't be totally cruel.
10. "Our truest dreams are when we are in dreams awake." - Thoreau
Your Turn: Are you getting excited about the holidays like I am? How's the Fall weather in your neck of the woods? ... What's one "good thing" from your week?