Helllloooooo, bloggies! I'm back!

This is in case you have forgotten (in the past... eeek... month) what I looked like while I was away. Lest you worry that I have abandoned my torrid love affair with coffee, rest assured,your fears are unfounded. The tea you see here is for a couple reasons (a) I thought it would make a cute picture, and (b) it's almost 11:00 at night.... I know when not to tempt fate :)
So, what have I been doing?
Glad you asked :) ...And here is where I will butter you up by not only telling you what I've been up to... but showing you (with a few comments interspersed:)
In case a 'bazillion' pictures, will not, in fact, win you back, the quick and dirty answer is that I went on a mini-vacation with J. to celebrate our wedding anniversary, and where we went had no internet or phone service (which, I'm not going to lie... was kind of nice... it made it seem like a real break from reality that way!) And then, when I got home, my job got crazy busy.
... which isn't very exciting sounding, is it? But these pictures showcase the 'good things' that cannot be condensed into 2 measly sentences. Therefore, I'll let them speak for themselves.
Okay.. so this is an old picture... but I had to include it. Last year on September 19, I married my best friend, Jon. This year has been so good, and I'm excited for many more. I love you, J.
To celebrate our 1st Anniversary, J & I took a long weekend at Mohican State Park. The following pictures are from our 'romantic getaway'.

These chairs may have been the most comfortable thing I have ever had the pleasure of resting in :) I'd love to have one of these big comfy chairs to read & do my devotions in!
What better way to unwind after a crazy busy 3-day work week than to take in a country concert with a friend on Saturday night?!
Ah, and then there was last week, when *just like that* I fell back in love with running.
Truly, madly, deeply.
Of course, it didn't hurt that it was a 5k through a beautiful residential area, and it benefitted a cause that my heart is completely behind-- the Cat Welfare Association.
I give you: The Cat Caper 5k!
Ooooh... can I just tell you how badly I wanted to take these dear little ones home?! Unfortunately, as I would like to make it to my second anniversary... I refrained...
And then, along with all the "play" there was also some work:

..clearly some of us were working harder than others. ...I love the little tongue sticking out :)
So there you have it :) I hope you've enjoyed the "catch-up post" (I sure enjoyed re-living the memories!) For now, little old lady that I am I'm headed to bed... but I'll be back tomorrow with a few more pictures, a few more thoughts, and a Good List.
Your turn: What have you done in the past month to welcome fall into your homes and lives?
(I'll give you my answers tomorrow!)